Turn on a hot water tap and Enviro Thermal Switching Valve TSV2A when fitted in a hot water line will detect cold water and bypass it to save via a side outlet. When hot water arrives the valve switches and delivers hot water to the tap and, the bypass closes. The hot tap dribbles as an alarm that the hot tap is on and the cold water in the hotline is bypassed to save for later reuse.
The valve can be installed under a sink or basin, in a ceiling or under a house, just before a tee off to two wet areas sharing a common wall, it is best located as close to the hot outlet as possible. Fit a valve under a basin before the tee off to the bath and shower and all hot taps downstream of the valve will operate the valve.
The valve saves water outlet is at tap pressure, the water can be piped anywhere, up or down, to a rainwater tank, any suitable tank, any downpipe to a tank, even a Bunnings $89 x 100-litre tank with a tap for pots or garden use.
Connect the valve save outlet into the cold line, equal pressure won’t flow, so fit a Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) and set it at 150 kpa lower than the hotline pressure now water will flow if it has somewhere to go; fit a pressure tank in the cold line set air pressure at PVR pressure setting.
Higher hot water pressure will flow into the tank, via the cold line, when hot water arrives at the valve it switches and hot water flows from the tap. The bypass closes.
When any cold tap is used including toilet flush the pressure tank empties before new water enters the system, it all happens automatically.
All hardware is supplied direct from Enviro Manufacturing Co, usually 2 days delivery for tanks.
Express post if required for valves.
Any Plumber can fit the hardware it is a simple basic plumbing operation. Full instruction supplied.
All the hardware is fully approved and is covered by Aust Standards ATS 5200-475-481-485 and should be installed as per Plumbing Code 3500.
The valve is $198,--PRV.$98.-- Tanks, 20 lt $179.-- 35 lt $299, -- 60lt $429.
Installation cost, Valves only.
New dwelling, Cost of hardware, hardly any extra labour, maybe some extra pipe and a few fittings
Location, accessibility and plumbers can vary pricing. However, most valves can be installed in 30 minutes, plus the save water pipe run which depends on distance and accessibility. A plastic pipe like Yorkflex or similar is around $3 per meter.
To install the full system in a new dwelling is simply part of the fit-out, plus the extra hardware.
To retrofit a full system depends on house type, houses off the ground are simple, and houses on a slab depend on pipe access. However, 3 hours is a general estimate to complete a fit-out. Good access 2 hours.
Instantaneous Gas heaters can flow 1,7 to 2.5 litres of water before constant hot water flows at the heater, at the hot tap the volume can be up to 3 times the heater figure. WELS survey.
Solar heaters need to be located to suit the sun exposure; this is not always the optimum location to save the cold water from a hot tap. Fit an Enviro valve at remote hot taps
If you have a say, locate the heater close to the kitchen sink, this is the frequently used hot tap, group other wet areas if possible. Aust Standards use 19 hot tap operations daily as a test guide.
The less hot pipe used the less water wasted.
Smart piping location can save water, cluster wet areas close to the heater, maybe kitchen and bathroom, if one location like an Ensuite is remote fit an Enviro valve.
Remember, laundries use water but don’t usually use wastewater. If you need a bucket of hot water to mop the floor, catch a cold and dump it in the washing machine, Laundries don’t usually need a valve.
Caution, this information is general and may not apply to all locations, conditions and applications.